Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blog #12

Blog 12
Look up Gregor Mendel and his pea plant experiments Why does P1 look all alike and F1 looks very different?

  During his pea plant experients, Gregor Mendel observed his plants very carefully. The offspring of the peas are somewhat releated to each because of the trait passing on. F1 on the other hand will choose the dominant allen between their parent,and they will always become differnt from others.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

blog #10

Blog #10 Post a recipe for something made with fermentation
Explain how fermentation helps make the food.

A recipe i chose is this.-

Fermentation is basically is a waiting process that can save food or make food better. For example, yogurt pickled goods and alcohol is made using fermentation. Back in the old days, pirate crews would store pickled goods in case they run out of food one day and that plan worked.

blog #11

Blog 11 In the movie Gattaca parents were allowed to pick the traits of their babies, should we be able to do this? Why or why not?

   Picking traits like in the movie is kind of like making a frankenstein. I think it is wrong because it's not really being human. Being human is repopulating without using all these tools that adjust stuff.
There are both opinions that both seem good, but i have to go with not using traits. I think it's better if you just let it be natural because there might be a flaw just like in the movie Eugene had a 2nd place swimming medal instead of being the best.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog number 9

Blog 9 How far should the government go in isolating people with an infectios diseases? Should the army be involved?

  Like the movie, they dropped the bomb at the people who were infected in Africa. They hoped to destroy the virus after killing people. What i think is, if the virus is incurable, then you can either quarantine them or put them to sleep. It's better than spreading it out to millions of people and start a world pandemic.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

blog number 8

Blog #8 Describe in as much detail as you can the procedures and protections for enetering a hot zone biocontainment facility.

When you enter a hot zone biocontainment facility, its a given that you must wear a spacesuit. It is always safe to not wear any clothes so the disease or germs won't get on your clothing. If any bacteria or disease gets on you or infects you, you are in trouble. It could lead to another world epidemic. Luckily there may be an antidote. So it is always safe to clean yourself before entering so no germ can ever stick on you.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

blog number 7


Hotbod(body)- yo heart
Thehearter(heart)- whats up?
Hotbod- Heard of the small pox diease yet? :O
Thehearter- what is it??
Hotbod- its this disease where it catches on to your blood vessels n turns into a rash.
Hotbod- if u dont evn take care of it too, it turns into like blisters and pimples.
Hotbod- pretty nasty mann, pretty nasty. D:
Thehearter- WOAH really? how do ya avoid this? :D
Hotbod- best way i know is to take a vaccine and stay chill
Hotbod- dont stay near people with the disease too man :/
Thehearter- aite cool thanks man, save my life:D
Hotbod- its what i do. <3

below is small pox in cell size

Thursday, October 14, 2010

blog number 6

 Science poem. from cyoa.

Line 1 -     Charles Monet
Line 2 -     Sick, Frenchman and ex-patriot.
Line 3 -     From France
Line 4 -     His lady friends.
Line 5 -     He feels sick because he has Marburg disease.
Line 6 -     Dying, loner and dead
Line 7 -     He gives diseases.
Line 8 -     He fears of dying
Line 9 -     He would like to see what killed him.
Line 10 -     Charles Monet and lived about 50 years old

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blog #5

Probiotic bacteria are good bacteria. It stimulates your digestive health and gives you a healthy immune system. It could even protect you from obesity.

Listeria is a bad bacteria. It is an illness found in foods. If you were to catch it, you would have a fever or muscle aches. It is really risky for pregant woman to catch it because it could infect the baby inside.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog #4

Neaderthal were humans, but they were not modernized as us. Vocalnoes have been erupting during their period of time. Some lived by staying in Africa, caves Asia and some perished by volcanic eruption. Many many years later, researchers found bones from early Neadertals. They used stone tool and had painting as a language to communicate. The reason why they were important because they left us remains so we can study and see how they live.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog #3

Blog of the week #3
Are non carbon based life forms possible? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons to support your answer

 No because they dont have carbon based life inside. How would they live, it would take an amount of technology to perform that. Maybe in the future yes. In the future the non caron life form and can turn on us and destory our civilization.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog #2

Blog #2 Several years ago  NASA rocket failed because scientists were not using the same system of measurement for all the parts. Should the US switch to the metric system? Why or why not?

 Nasa in my opinion should switch to metric system. They failed using the recent measuring system, so why would you re do another mistake. Switching would save many lives if NASA sends more astronauts. If they do choose to switch to metric system measurements, then they are smart

Blog #1

My goals for class and school year is just to get a good grade and pass. Science is not my thing but i have to do it because its somewhat important. One of my goal is just to learn about biology and use it outside of school.  Those are my goals throughout the school year.