Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blog #11

Blog #11
Get a picture of alternation of generations put it in your blog and explain how it relates to plants

It all starts with the pollen being released to a plant, thus growing it into a tree and repeat.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog #10

Blog #10
Why is dissection an important part of a biology curriculum? Which animals and/or plants should be included in biological studies?

  Dissection is important because it shows us students how the body works for whatever we are learning about. This can prepare us if we want to pursuit a career in science or just teach us where parts belong where. Plus dissecting is fun, you get to cut open things and observe things you have never seen before. Animals that should be dissected would be like Lions, elephants, aligators, whale and other animals that they have in school. I'm not really that intrested in plants, but it's still good to learn about plants and how they funcion.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog 9

Define the different forms of community interaction: competition, commensalism, mutualism, predation, parasitism Give an example and a picture for each.

  Type of community interaction is competition. Competition is an interaction between species or organisms and the fitness of one is lowered by the presence of the other. Competition can occur when the species are competing in the same area for a limited food supply or when they must share limiting resources. Species less suited to compete for resources either adapt or die out. That is why if something is off the food chain, it could majorly hurt the species.

   Community interaction is commensalism. Commensalism is a relationship between 2 organisms where one organism benefits from the other, but the other organism is not harmed but also does not benefit from the relationship. An example of commensalism is like the relationship between the sun and the plants. The plants benefit from the sun's sunlight, but the sun does not benefit from the plants, nor is it harmed by the plants. Us humans, need the plants to produce oxygen for us to breathe. Without it, our body's would intake all the bad air.

  Mutualism is the relationship between two organisms, where both organisms benefit from each other. An example of mutualism is bees and flowers. They all benefit from each other. When the bee polinates  the flower, the flower loses the polen it carried and has room to produce more. The bee on the other hand comes back with polen and food. They continue this and because it helps both species out.